Our Services
Short term insurance:
When it comes to short term insurance, we all want peace of mind. At Donkin Financial services, we will
carefully consider the wide range of products available in the market to cover your assets as comprehensively as possible. We will continue to support you with ongoing administration, processing of
claims and professional advice always. We specialize in the following categories of short-term insurance:
Personal insurance
Commercial insurance
Agricultural insurance
Heavy commercial vehicle insurance
Goods in transit insurance
Travel insurance
Plant all risk insurance
Contractors all risk insurance
Professional indemnity
Life and Risk insurance:
This in simple terms is cover to control the financial risk you might suffer if something should happen to you or your family. This cover normally consists of:
1. Cover for death.
2. Cover for disabilities.
3. Cover for loss of income caused by illness or accident.
4. Cover for critical illness such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, ext.
Products in the market are complex and not easy for the normal man on the street to understand.
Contact us and we will do a risk analysis with you and choose a product that best suits your needs
and budget.
Investments are a very complex and complicated field that needs proper skill and planning to slot in with the client’s needs. Donkin Financial Services apply this skill and knowledge to ensure that we understand your needs. After explaining the financial implications, we then place the investment with one of our experienced and accredited fund managers, who will then handle the investments. Honesty and integrity are the foundation of our business.
Financial planning:
This very crucial process will have a financial impact on all stages of your life. When undertaking the
financial planning process, we project into your future to establish your goals and possible risks. Better management of your finances will help you to reach your life goals and expectations whether this is
sending your child to university or buying a home. Contact us at Donkin Financial Services and we will help you to implement a plan and make your goals a reality.
Retirement planning:
Shocking statistics in South Africa clearly show that at least two thirds of all people living in this country retire without sufficient funds available to them throughout the last years of their life. We, as financial advisors, will help you to identify this very important need in your life cycle and to implement a plan to
ensure that you start saving money early enough to capitalize on compound interest and thereby enjoy a financially stress-free retirement.
In today’s economy with the rising costs of medical fees and hospital charges, we understand the importance of protecting your family, loved ones and employees by having the correct medical plan in place. Donkin Financial Services only deal with top medical aids and offer different plans to suit individuals and enterprises needs and budgets.
Estate planning & Drafting of Wills:
Since your will is the one document which will affect the people closest to you, far more time should be taken to draw up this vital document. Our experienced estate-consultants will ensure that your estate is planned in such a way to maximize your assets and keep taxes and costs at a minimum. This process begins with the drawing up of a practical Will, which will clearly stipulate your wishes. The most important benefit of a well-planned estate is knowing that you have a properly prepared plan in place – one which contains your instructions, will protect your family and will give you and your family peace of mind. This is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things that you can do for yourself and your loved ones.
Administration of deceased estates:
This is a very complex field which can cost the family a lot of money if they do not understand the lengthy and complicated process involved in winding up an estate. Our aim is to provide an efficient, cost-effective service in managing this process on your behalf.
We here at Donkin Financial Services understand the difficulty that clients and businesses endure in getting funding for assets that will meet their business or personal needs. Instead of using the business working capital or your personal capital to purchase the required asset, we can assist in financing of the asset, thereby allowing your business or personal circumstances to improve and grow while leaving cash flow available for other needs: Financing can be arranged for vehicles, property, or equipment.